That said, in my opinion a solid Spin & Sculpt Fusion class tops the charts. The best home workout is any one that you will stick to! Motivation, drive and commitment is key. What is the best home-workout for getting in shape? We also offer classes with durations as short as 10 minutes longer classes around 20, 30, and 45 minutes and even all-out-assaults up to an hour-plus. And we offer a huge variety of virtual workouts that are designed for everyone from absolute beginners to cycling pros. Because you get to choose your resistance levels you’re in control of your own intensity. Is an online Spinning class good for beginners?Ībsolutely! At Studio SWEAT onDemand, we want everyone to be able to get a calorie-crushing Spin workout, no matter your fitness level. We spoke with Cat Kom, CEO and founder of Studio SWEAT onDemand, to answer all of your burning at-home spinning spinning questions. And to make sure you don't miss a beat in your spin class, here's a guide to spin class cues that will keep you cruising. Here, we've got all the beginner spinning tips you need to know. Cat Kom, ACE-certified personal trainer and founder and CEO of Studio SWEATĪnd that's a good thing, because the benefits of spinning extend from giving you a great cardio workout to boosting those endorphins and beyond.